Making Yourself at Home. Getting on the Property Ladder (Speaking Worksheet)
In this C2 Speaking Worksheet students talk about different topics that have to do with being able to rent or buy a home and get on the property ladder, as well as other topics such as making a house our home, minimalism and decluttering, etc.
Students revise C2 Grammar contents like advanced word formation by use of prefixation in adjectives and adverbs and advanced uses of reported speech. All the C2 contents in this section come with C2 level examples so you can see them in action.
Some key concepts which are extremely crucial in the process of buying or renting a property are also included to expand the students’ knowledge in this area.
Some phrasal verbs are given to help them express their ideas more accurately, together with C2 idioms and C2 vocabulary to speak about the topic at length.
This C2 speaking activity includes speaking questions to get your students talking, so they integrate all the C2 contents in the worksheet while they speak. The C2 Conversation Questions in this section help organize either a presentation or an interaction with ease, grace, and flow, taking out the added stress of not knowing what one should be using at the C2 level.
You can also download the teacher and student feedback templates at the bottom of the downloads box. With them, you will be able to give your students well-structured individual feedback to take home in every lesson.
And there’s something else that’s new too!!
From now on, all Speaking Worksheets have a new design, so students have space for notes on the B-side, below the questions for the Speaking Task.
You can learn more about our Feedback Method in this video: